🎨CSS colors
working with font hues and other light attributes
Colors have at least four different notations in CSS but we normally use just one or two:
Named colors
We could simply use English names of colors but we
limit ourselves in terms of shades
can become prone to spelling mistakes
Hexadecimal colors
With hexadecimal (base-16) numbers, each "digit":
can be anything from 0 to 15, with A representing 10, B for 11, all the way up to F for 15
when combined with another "digit", a two-digit hex code pair can have up to 256 possible combinations
three pairs of hexadecimal digits can therefore represent 16,777,216 possible combinations of colors
In the above snippet, we look at each pair of digits after the #
as such:
First pair (
): amount of red [(16 x 6) + 4 = 100]Second pair (
): amount of green [(16 x 9) + 6 = 150]Third pair (
): amount of blue [(16 x 12) + 8 = 200]
RGB colors
This follows the same principle as hexadecimal but using a different notation...
Each argument has a range from 0 (black) to 255 (white), creating around 16.7 million shades of color:
First number represents the amount of red
Second, the amount of green
Third, the amount of blue
However, instead of using a combination of digits and letters in each argument, we can use simpler integers from 0 to 255!
HSL colors
Unlike hexadecimal and RGB notation, this HSL (hue-saturation-luminolosity) notation has to do with two additional properties of color:
First number represents the degree value of the hue on the color wheel
0/360 = red
60 = yellow
120 = green
180 = cyan
240 = blue
300 = violet
Second number represents the saturation (ranging from 0% to 100%)
0% = less color (grayer look)
100% = richer color (more vivid look)
Third number represents the luminosity (ranging from 0% to 100%)
closer to 0% = increasingly darker to fully black
50% = normal lighting
closer to 100% = increasingly brighter to fully white
Adding "alpha" or opacity
The alpha, or opacity (fadedness), represents the fourth argument in each of RGB and HSL:
Recall that an opacity ranges from 0 to 1:
0 means no visibility
1 means full visibility
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