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The default localhost port number for a React Vite site is 5173
this spells out "site" in "Leet(speak)" or ""
this also spells out "vite" in that the Roman numeral for 5 is "V"
So many social media users ask questions (when they can easily search or ask AI)
because they "want interaction" but they could easily go to a chat room for quicker interaction!
So many YouTube channels beg viewers to "like and subscribe"
this makes the viewer actually not want to like, let alone subscribe
do people on other social media sites ask you to "like and follow" after each and every post? no!
Different types of crappy YouTube (and video website) comments
the "first post"er who will quickly get buried
the "contrarian" who wants to rip the video apart
usually based on some insignificant trivial detail
the "personal anecdote" people who will reminisce about their past
the video loosely relates to their life story (yay)
the "off-topic" dude who will talk about something else vaguely related to the video
the "self-promoter" who will name-drop themselves or someone else
the "who's still watching this in (current year)" as though things aren't meant to be timeless
the "question asker" who would get their answers quicker if they just Googled or ChatGPTed or use the internet better
the "one word" or "one emoji" replier who does nothing to add to the conversation besides post "cool" or a "😍" emoji
the "non-sequitur 'get rich quick' spam" post (you should know this one)
the "hi i'm bored" idiot
Don't believe in that "the first computer bug was actually a bug" story -
assorted "nice-to-know" computing trivia