Power centres
(Europe: retail parks)
Commercial centres as plots of land with several buildings whose tenants are retail outlets (usually big box stores) whose strengths include:
fewer common areas (e.g. corridors) for the property managers to maintain
more flexible opening and closing times for each individual store
Yet they have the disadvantage of having:
stores under multiple roofs (an inconvenience in places with hot summers and/or cold winters)
stores further apart from each other (often raising accessibility issues)
only big box stores ("kiosk" shops become impractical in places with harsh weather)
Twists to the power centre include:
"vertical" variants in high-density downtown areas
"main street" variants to allow smaller stores
Power center on Wikipedia
Category killers
Specialty stores that focus on one aspect of life and do it well, contrary to department stores that try to cater to all aspects of life
Category killer on Wikipedia
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