JavaScript and JSON
the preferred data format of the internet
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) allows for storing small sets of data in a relatively simple but robust structure:
The basic structure of a JSON object
The simplest JSON object looks like:
In a browser console, let us take the basic JSON object above and assign it a variable called jsonObject:
It responds with "undefined" but let us enter the following again into the console to confirm that the object exists:
Notations for the notations
We could then use the dot notation
Or, we could use the associative array notation object["property"]:
The associative array notation becomes useful when the property names lengthen so much that we would need to use "kebab-notation", the stringing of multiple words with dashes!
We would then access that property like such:
Objects with more than one property
Naturally, an object could have multiple property-value pairs:
Calling the above jsonObject, we would enter jsonObject.property2 or jsonObject["property2"] into a console to yield "value2"
Objects inside of objects
The object could also have properties with values that themselves have sub-objects:
Calling the above jsonObject, we would enter jsonObject.property2.property2B or jsonObject["property2"]["property2B"] (a two-dimensional array) into a console to yield "value2B")
We can then infer here that this versatile structure could allow for quite complex objects with many properties and sub-properties to the desired degree!
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