Git terms and commands
getting to know the git lingo
Common Git terms
repository (aka repo)
project folder
local repository (aka local)
project folder on a personal computer
remote repository (aka remote)
project folder on the Internet (a server, perhaps?)
a selection of files from the project folder
confirming the selection of files as a change to the project
uploading the confirmations to the project folder on the Internet
copying a project folder from the Internet to one's computer
copying someone else's project from the Internet onto one's own account
creating a parallel version of a project (which can later merge back)
setting a branch as the current working branch
combining a version with another version of a project
Common Git commands
Type git
plus any of the following:
**creates **or initializes a new local repository
add -A
adds all the changes to the Git repository to "staging"
commit -m "message"
updates the local repository with all the changes previously added to "staging" (tagged with a message summarizing the changes made)
remote add origin [repourl]
connects the local repository with a remote repository (usually on
push [origin] [branch]
uploads the most recently committed changes
(from the local repository to the remote repository)
clone [repourl]
downloads a remote repository to one's own computer
checkout [branchname]
switches to a branch in the local repository (assuming it exists)
checkout -b [newbranchname]
creates a new branch in the local repository
branch -a
displays a list of all branches
displays the current status of the local repository, i.e.:
current branch name
any files on staging
any files with changes but not on staging
pull [branch]
retrieves the latest changes of a working version from the remote to the local
displays a list of code changes since the last add
Typical workflow
Last updated