JavaScript data (primitives)

the building blocks of web apps

We can categorize basic forms of data, known as primitives, as follows:

  • Number : a value we can calculate with another, e.g.

    • an integer like 3, -1 or 0

    • a floating point number like -273.15

  • String : a string of alphanumeric characters

    • plain text like String or Hello world!

    • plain text that has non-calculatable numbers like Price: $200

  • Boolean : a value that is either true or false

  • null : an empty value

  • undefined : a variable with nothing assigned (not even null)

  • Object : a value with a special structure that organizes a set of properties and their values for a group of similar things

  • Symbol : (beyond the scope of this introduction)

Example of null and undefined

let x = null
let y

// null

// undefined

Note that 0 does not mean the same thing as null in JavaScript:

  • 0 represents a number with which we can do calculations

  • null represents the intentional absence of a number

  • undefined represents that we have not yet decided on a value or a null

typeof keyword

To see what the type of value a variable has, we use typeof before a variable or value:

let x = 3.1415;
console.log(typeof x)
// "number"

Copying by value

When we copy some primitives, we copy by value:

let x = 20
let y = x
y = 40
// 20

Note that despite setting y equal to x, then changing y's value - the value of x does not change!

This happens with:

  • a Number

  • a String

  • a Boolean

  • a null

  • an undefined

  • a Symbol

An analogy of copying by value: copying an image from the internet and then modifying the copy in an image editing software; the original image does not change!

Copying by reference

However, with:

  • an Object

  • a function

  • an Array

...we copy by reference:

let object1 = { 
    prop1: 100, 
    prop2: 'ax', 
    prop3: true 

let object2 = object1
object2.prop1 = 400

// 400

Notice how changing object2's property also changed object1's property automatically!

An analogy of copying by reference: editing a post on social media (our edit results in changing the original for all to see, as we change the original data!)

Last updated